Monday, July 13, 2009

The Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper Privacy: Surveillance and the Interception of Communications

The Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper Privacy: Surveillance and the Interception of Communications: "Privacy of the Person. In a second sense, a claim to privacy of one's person is protected by laws guaranteeing freedom of movement and expression, prohibiting physical assault, and restricting unwarranted search or seizure of the person. This notion, like the territorial one, is spatial in the sense that the physical person is deemed to be surrounded by a bubble or aura protecting him from physical harassment. But, unlike physical property, this 'personal space' is not bounded by real walls and fences, but by legal norms and social values. Furthermore, this sense of privacy transcends the physical and is aimed essentially at protecting the dignity of the human person. Our persons are protected not so much against the physical search (the law gives physical protection in other ways) as against the indignity of the search, its invasion of the person in the moral sense."KAVANAGH VS IRELAND?819/1998 ICCPR A/56/40 VOL11 4/4/01.ON WHOS OPINION,INFERENCE,ASSUMPTION,WERE PEOPLE WRONGFULLY ARRESTED IN THIS CASE?NOT ONLY THIS CASE BUT MANY OTHERS?TRIBUNALS FOR THE ELITE PRISONS FOR THE WORKINGCLASS[underclass]?

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